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If you are a small London-based business, where do you start when looking for IT support? Getting the correct IT support for your company can seem like a minefield. Here we share the top things to consider when getting IT support for your small business.

What Types of IT Support Are There?

There are a few different options available when it comes to IT support:

In-House Teams

Having an in-house team of IT specialists means that you have salaried team members whose sole responsibility is to manage the IT demands of the business. For example, not only will they be in charge of fixing any technical issues that may arise, but they will also ensure that all systems are functioning properly, all staff members can access the company network and that the business is properly protected from any cybersecurity risks. However, this is not always within a small business’s budget. Hence, many small businesses and startups in London often opt for outsourcing IT support.

Fully Managed IT Support

Unlike having an in-house team, managed IT services are a way to outsource company IT support. By having managed IT services, a company can delegate any technology related tasks to a team of professionals. This can be as a contracted or subscription service.

Outsourcing managed IT support can also be more affordable and flexible. For instance, if your small business requires a contract that takes certain factors into consideration, then the best IT support companies in London, like Lucidica, can help do so.

Break & Fix

This model operates on an ad-hoc basis meaning that a company hires IT support services if and when they have a technical issue that needs addressing. Rather than a fixed fee, this will be paid based on the nature of the problem, the level of service needed and the time spent by the IT technician.

Which Type of IT Support Is Best for Small Businesses?

Having an in-house team of IT specialists can sound like an ideal solution – the idea of constantly having designated people on-site to address any technical problem as soon as it arises. However, this solution is rarely feasible for businesses with fewer than 150 staff members making an in-house team an unnecessary expense for small businesses.

Experienced IT professionals tend to come with a high price tag –  especially in London. Small businesses are unlikely to be able to afford the high salaries demanded by highly experienced IT technicians. Not only that, but it is not a good use of resources for smaller companies. 

Outsourcing IT support tends to be a far more sensible solution for small businesses. It allows businesses access to wide-ranging specialist skill sets and professional services, without using up valuable time and resources. A fully-managed IT support service offers the same level of expertise as an in-house team without investing in full-time staff.

When you outsource your IT support, you are also not limited by location. Rather than having on-site technical support, you will outsource your IT solutions to an external company. That means that, even if you are physically based in London, you could choose to work with a company based in another part of the country which could work out to be cheaper.

Depending on the nature of your business, you may choose to blend the two approaches. For example, many small businesses choose to employ a couple of IT specialists who oversee and maintain the company’s IT systems but outsource any additional technical problems to a designated IT support company. This could be a good middle ground for small businesses that take their tech capabilities seriously.

Ultimately, the decision about what support is best for small businesses regarding IT support will come down to the nature of the company, the company’s priorities and the existing technical capabilities of their staff.

What Should Small Businesses Look for When Choosing IT Support?

When choosing the best IT support for your small business in London, there are certain factors that you should take into consideration: 

Value for Money

When you are operating a small business, you need to be as cost-efficient as possible. Make sure that when you are looking for IT support for your London-based business that you are finding one

Good Communication

If you are outsourcing your IT support, you want to have solutions as quickly as possible. Make sure to look at how your IT company is communicating with you and how fast their response time is. You want a service you can rely on that gets back to you in a timely manner and can clearly understand what you need.

If your small business needs IT support, contact Lucidica today. We can provide a bespoke quote & help many small businesses and startups across London to succeed.