A great phone. One of the greatest phones on the market at the moment. It is the successor to the brilliant HTC Desire. It doesn’t boast a significant improvement in terms of features but aims at improving the hardware. The speed advancement and 4.3″ touchscreen are the phones greatest improvements. If you know what the HTC HD2 is then you will understand that the HTC Desire HD is an HTC HD2 running Android instead of Windows Mobile.
The specs of the phone include
- 480×800 WVGA
- 4.3 inches
- 1.5GB internal phone storage
- 768MB RAM
- 1 Ghz Snapdragon Processor
- 8 Mega Pixel Camera
What’s good about the phone:
Practically everything. Speed, camera, applications, screen. Everything seems to run very well and looks impressive too.
Whats not good about the phone:
The largest complaints have been about the battery life. In medium useage this phone wouldn’t even last 24 hours without a new battery so if you like it make sure to take your charger with you everywhere you go. Apparently there have also been a few niggly things with the Android OS. Although they don’t cause massive disturbances and don’t appear very often there are a few bugs around that may have to be addressed.
What is uncertain about the phone:
The phone seems to have been dividied into two opinions when it comes to the subject of the screen. A lot of people out there are stating that the screen is actually too large and is not comfortable in the hand. On the other side of the fence people are just praising the size of the screen saying that they would never want a phone any other way. It seems that you will either love this feature or hate it so check it out before you purchase it.
In a nutshell, this amazing phone looks like it is going to take the market by storm. Using Android and amazing new hardware including its 4.3″ touchscreen it has really proven to be an exceptional piece of hardware. You will just have to decide if you can handle the battery and size. I know I definitely want one 🙂
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