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With Office 2019 Microsoft primarily offers business customers the ability to use the latest version of Office without cloud components and without the automatic updates of Office 365. For Office 365 users, most features of office 2019 are not completely new because they are already included in office 365. A one-time purchase of office 2019 will acquire a permanent license that does not include feature Updates. Updates for quality and security patches can only be installed if necessary. Office 2019 will only be compatible with Windows 10. Also the support is reduced to 2 years. However a special innovation is the pressure sensitivity, which makes pen-based writing possible. Also small renewals and improvements can be find in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.

Word will receive a series of learning tools in the form of subtitles and audio aids. A voice output will also be available. This seems to be irrelevant for business customers.
Excel should get an overall better data analysis. Especially power queries and power pivots are improved. But also funnel diagrams and 2D maps can be inserted into Excel with Office 2019. This could be very helpful for business user in data-driven tasks.

PowerPoint will offer new opportunities to present content more effectively. A special renewal is the zoom function as well as the morph transition. Through this PowerPoint is approaching the competitor Prezi. Even 3D models should be displayed with the new version.

Outlook should manage emails more efficiently in the future. Office 2019 offers email suggestions, read and delivery access, delayed sending of e-mails, as well as travel and delivery summary cards. Support is also provided for 365 groups in the form of focused inboxes and updated contact details.

• Industry standard software for any workplace
• Introduces further enhancements to established programs
• One-time purchase for lifetime access
• Enhanced security

• Some programs will not be of use to private users
• May be confusing if you are used to previous versions
• Will not receive monthly updates
• Not supported by Microsoft Cloud