How to Create a customised signature

How to Create a customised signature

You’re about to send an email but you want to add a special touch: your signature and some details. Here’s a simple How to Create a customised signature guide on how to end your email with a personalised signature.

Step 1:

Select a new email, click onto ‘message’ on the bar, go to ‘signature’ and select ‘signatures’.

How to Create a customised signature

Step 2:

The signature box should appear. Now click on ‘new’ and type in the name for your signature and select ‘Ok’.

How to Create a customised signature

Step 3:

Edit your signature with the information you want to include such as your name, role, number, website etc. You can also edit text size and colour. Once done, select ‘ok’.

How to Create a customised signature

Step 4:

On the new email, insert your customised signature.

How to Create a customised signature


And there you have it, your own customised signature.

How to Create a customised signature


OR, You can watch the video:


Source:  Microsoft Office